Euphonix Winter Concert 2023

In aid of Momentum, a local charity
Wed 13 December 11.30 AM - 12.15 PM
13 December
11.30 AM - 12.15 PM

Featuring Euphonix Community Choir

Euphonix is a local Community Choir that sings in four-part harmonies under the direction of their Musical Director, Thomas Chapman.  Their 2023 Winter Concert will showcase a number of new and classic song arrangements ranging from classical, traditional folk to well-known contemporary songs.

Euphonix has regularly performed their end of term lunchtime concerts here at the Rose.  These concerts have provided a springboard to raise funds and awareness for charitable organisations.  This term they are supporting the work of a local charity Momentum, that supports children and their families.  Momentum helps families of seriously ill children to keep moving forward. From hospital to home and beyond, Momentum be there supporting the family every step of the way. Details regarding the support Momentum is able to provide families and children can be found on their website  During the concert a collection will be made to support this cause.

The Choir meets weekly in the central Kingston area.  For anyone interested in Euphonix full details can be found on their website:

Event details

Running time: Approx. 30-45 minutes